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  • Robie Robot
    I wanted one of these so badly.
  • Puffalumps
    I loved my Puffalump so much. She was always great for a cuddle. I had the same one in the photo.
  • Power Rangers
    I was never a fan of the Power Rangers, but I remember all the boys in my neighborhood were completely obsessed with them.
  • Wuzzles
    I always wanted one of these stuffed animals, but never got one.
  • My Buddy
    I would always be really scared of My Buddy because he reminded me of Chucky. Even before ever seeing the movie, I thought the doll wanted to hurt me.
  • Mr. Potatohead
    I loved playing with Mr. Potatohead. I had so much fun switching his face around. I remember getting angry that I couldn't take his arms out to switch around too.

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