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  • Peter and Jane books
    think it was janet n john but i remember when u advanced to the big books ie...two sentences on one page the first was through the garden gate,remember it bcus i was first tin the class to start it,wasnt it great when u didnt need your tin of
  • Judy Blume books
    i remeber very good brought back memories as id never remember the titles,one thing that sticks in my mind is a girl doing arm stretches and chatting i must i must increase my bust.....i read it ive done it every week for twenty years and no it aint worked lol
  • Ra Ra and Puff Ball Skirts
    oh yes the ra ra,had a lovely polka dot blouse with a ra ra going around the neck with ribbon,anyone have one of those,oh and there were those skirts with the braces remember those ive got the pics to prove it but noway im putting em on here lol
  • Reversible Jumpers
    mine was minnie mouse lol....hundreds of her on the nasty
  • White and burgundy socks
    being a girl i remember burgundy socks and white ankle socks but we put them over tights....big fashion in my juniors in the early eighties
  • Pod shoes
    oh yes remember pods i had a blue pair,lased me months and were real fashionable at the time n dead dead comfy,i agree they would do well with a come back

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