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Splicer Bars

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Splicer Bars came out in the mid 1980s and were fruit-flavoured and multi-coloured twisted candy bars which were really chewy. The advert featured a policeman and various other people biting into a splicer bar and it turned them all multi-coloured! Ace! They tasted soft but chewy...

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Do You Remember Splicer Bars?

Do You Remember Splicer Bars?

  • Anonymous user
    I remember they came out in mid 1982 in time for the summer they lasted two years and then poof they where gone!. Any body remember the milkshake drink from 81' called one!? Or frolic by leckpatrick? Suzy.
  • Anonymous user
    They were available from at least 1979
    • Anonymous user
      started production on the day elvis died.
  • Anonymous user
    hooraay..... I'm not going mad, I really began to think I had imagined this advert. I'd live to see it again!
  • Anonymous user
    yeah i remember the splicer, it was a fruity chew bar, a bit like opal fruits in a bar !!!!
  • Anonymous user
    OMG. They were like Opel Fruits rolled into a sausage shape of the same flavour, then the four sausages were twisted together and ... heh presto ... I give you, the Splicer Bar!!! The jingle went: "Splicer, is nicer it's sweet everytime. Strawberry and Orange, with Lemon and Lime. Bite it, you'll like it And soon you will see. Splicer, is nicer. From Nestle Rowntree." I still remember the jingle! HOW SAD AM I !!! LOL. I thought I was the only person left alive who remembered them! Ha to everyone who thought I was mad!!! Bring back the Splicers!
  • Anonymous user
    Blast from the past!! Yes they were sort of pastel coloured and fruity - not thought about them in 30 yrs!
  • Anonymous user
    I remember them well - but by another name 'striper'. As I remember from the ad they were also at a wedding and they all turned coloured as they bit in the bars. Do you know why they had two names?